CLARISEA Fleece (40m) 50% Extra Free




The ClariSea team have spent many months working to develop a new more efficient long life fleece and this has now been released as the ClariSea XL Fleece, with the following benefits;

Increased flow through the media for longer life

  • Improved dirt removal for cleaner water and darker rolls
  • Reduced effect on skimmer foam when first changing a new roll
  • Improved water resistance of centre disposable core
  • 40m roll length – 60% longer than the original 25m rolls
  • Made in Europe
  • 100% recyclable polypropylene

Do you know that on each ClariSea XL roll there is the equivalent surface area of the following number of standard filter socks.


SK3000 XL – 75 x 4″ Filter Socks

SK5000 XL – 115 x 4″ Filter socks


Cost Savings

Think how often you need to change your filter socks!

Do you wash them or change them, if so what is your time worth every 3-4 days?


Like all fleece filters of this type, including bag filters, the size of the particle removed by the media will continuously reduce as the fleece dirties.

Example; with a 200 micron filter sock, the largest particle that should pass through when new is 200 microns, however as the media starts to collect dirt, the holes get blocked creating smaller and smaller passages and so the bag collects out smaller and smaller particles. It continues to do this until the head pressure can no longer force water through the small holes and it overflows.

The ClariSea works in exactly the same way except that instead of overflowing and having to change or clean the bag, it automatically rolls on to expose a fresh piece of material. The fresh fleece will allow larger particles to pass through and the dirtier material will stop smaller particles.

Other Factors that Affect Filter Life

Factors affecting the life of the fleece are:

1 – Water flow (volume)

2 – Filter installation height above the water.

3 – Dirty tank.

With most aquariums you will find that they act as large settlement chambers and that particles of food, detritus and dead bacteria settle within the sand or substrate. The ClariSea will remove this detritus from the water before it gets a chance to settle but will also remove sediments from the substrate as it is stirred up by fish or manually.

The rolls in the early days may last for a shorter length of time and should be seen to last longer and longer as the tank is cleaned.

4 – Greedy fish

Tanks with high stocking loads of hungry fish will dirty the roll faster but keep your aquarium sparklingly clean whilst removing uneaten food before it breaks down.

5 – Excessive Carbon Dosing

Carbon dosing works by growing bacteria in the water column that are then exported out of the system by skimming or filtration. Excessive carbon dosing can result in bacterial blooms which are seen as a slight cloudiness of the water. The ClariSea fleece is fine enough to remove these bacteria from the water but when in high volumes will blind the fleece and reduce it’s life. If you notice this then we suggest slowly reducing the amount of carbon source added. Equally the installation of the ClariSea after a Nitrate Filter will also reduce the life and give a pale coloured roll from the white bacteria.

Additional information


SK3000, SK5000


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